MGSPW modding

I wouldn't know how to do it, but it would be fun to try something. There's a version out there with the added hd graphics, so some textures can be replaced.

UPDATE: I've put together a list of tools that can be used to extract some PW files.

UMDGen : convert UMD disk to ISO file

QuickBMS : extract audio from .PDT files. (bgm, voicebf, voiceps, voicert)
script needed: Metal Gear Solid Pdt Music

pmftools : tools for handling PSP .PMF movies.

Chrysalis - extract SLOT.DAT and STAGEDAT.PDT

MGSPW Noesis Plugin : a plugin to view some models.

Pixel dess-up dolls

Yeah, no comment. Project status: I'm not satisfied with the bases. Now I know how to proceed though, if I ever get to that.