A random "to read/watch" list for PW.
peace and deterrence
‣ Origin of the ☮ symbol (CND)
‣ Origin of the V sing ✌ ("V for victory")
Quotes in between the acts:
‣ Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch
by Immanuel Kant. (1792) [ pg ]
‣ Deterrence theory and
‣ Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD)
science + sci-fi
‣ "The Ghost in the Machine"
a term coined by philosopher Gilbert Ryle as a criticism of Descartes’ dualistic theory = idea that the mind exists independently of the body.
‣ The Turing Test
introduced by Alan Turing
A test of a machine's ability to demonstrate human-like intelligence.
‣ The triune brain hypothesis
Origin of the "Reptile & Mammal" pod naming.
Note: apparently dated and simplistic
‣ Pupa, Chrysalis and Cocoon
Names of the AI weapons refer to a life stage of insects between larva and mature. 🦋
‣ "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
by Philip K. Dick (1968) [ gr,
ia ]
Blade Runner is an adaptation of this novel.
‣ R.U.R.
by Karel Čapek (1920) [ gr,
ia ]
This play introduced the international word robot.
‣ Three Laws of Robotics
by Isaac Asimov
computer alarm system
Postdates the game but relevant, methinks.
and Dead Hand
‣ 1983 nuclear false alarm incident
Quoted Letterboxd list of the movie refs